# GFonts Mirror Interface I need a better name :p This utility helps create CSS files to load your fonts from a mirror of Google Fonts from Google Font links. ## Usage 1. Go to [gfonts.sofiaritz.com](https://gfonts.sofiaritz.com/). 2. Enter your Mirror URL (an Internet-accesible clone of the [Google Fonts repo](https://github.com/google/fonts)). * If your site has low-traffic, feel free to use [my mirror](https://cdn.sofiaritz.com/fonts) :) 3. Click the _Transform_ button and the CSS will be generated for you! * You can use the _Copy code_ button, but sometimes it fails, so keep that in mind! ## Self-hosting ### Google Fonts Mirror Creating a Google Fonts mirror is an easy task. You need the following: 1. A reliable server (e.g. a VPS). 2. [git](https://git-scm.com/). 3. A way to host the files ([Caddy](https://caddyserver.com/), [NGINX](https://www.nginx.com/), [Apache HTTP Server](https://httpd.apache.org/), etc.) 4. (Technically this is not a requirement, but you should use one anyway) A domain. Then follow the following steps: 1. Run `git clone https://github.com/google/fonts --branch main --single-branch --depth 1 [folder]` * `[folder]` should be replaced with the folder where you will save the mirror. * This is just a [shallow clone](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone#Documentation/git-clone.txt---depthltdepthgt) of the repo. You can just `git clone` the repo, but it's not recommended due to disk and bandwidth usage. 2. Serve the files somewhere. * [Caddy](https://caddyserver.com/docs/quick-starts/static-files) * [NGINX](https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/web-server/serving-static-content/) * [Apache](https://askubuntu.com/questions/556858/how-to-set-up-a-simple-file-server) 3. Check that the mirror works by accessing the `[root]/README.md` * `[root]` should be replaced with your domain + the path where it's served (for example, [cdn.sofiaritz.com/fonts](https://cdn.sofiaritz.com/fonts)). * If everything is working, a README.md file like [this one](https://github.com/google/fonts/blob/main/README.md) should be downloaded. 4. (Optional) Create a `index.html` file. * You can create a `index.html` file with something you want to tell about the mirror at `[folder]`. * For example, check [cdn.sofiaritz.com/fonts](https://cdn.sofiaritz.com/fonts). * I use that page to teach the users about the dangers of services like Google Fonts, how I handle personal data and my contact information. ### GFonts Interface 1. Run `yarn build`. 2. Follow step 2 of [Self-hosting ยง Google Fonts Mirror](#google-fonts-mirror) with the `dist/` folder. ## Contributing Feel free to contribute to this project! Create an account on my git server, open an issue or a PR, and I'll make sure to review it as soon as possible :) You can also send me the [diff](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-diff) or use [git-send-email](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-send-email). ### Notes * Make sure to delete your `yarn.lock` when a new [pb-parser](https://git.sofiaritz.com/sofia/pb-parser/src/branch/main) commit is pushed. ## Decentralization Right now the only instance of this interface is [mine](https://gfonts.sofiaritz.com/), and the only Google Fonts mirror that I know is mine. I try to maintain everything and help everyone to achieve decentralization, but at the end of the day I'm just a random woman. **Do you have a Google Fonts mirror?** Please, [contact me](https://sofiaritz.com/en/contact)! **Do you have another instance of this interface?** Please, [contact me](https://sofiaritz.com/en/contact)!