# Pausing Development (for now) Honestly I don't really have much to say, it's mostly just been a lack of motivation. Especially since Atom sunsetted, which I was using for the compilation of files. I'll need to figure out a way of easily compiling them again. I might come back to this in the future or sooner. But if I were to continue this, I would rather it be contributing to Gitea itself, than having it be a big pile of messy CSS code added on top of what's already there. # Gitea Modern Changes the layout of Gitea to give it a more modern look. Can be used with any other themes that change only colors! | ![Gitea Modern Repository Page](images/codeberg-modern_repoPg.png) | ![Gitea Modern Explore Page](images/codeberg-modern_explorePg.png) | ![Gitea Modern Profile Page](images/codeberg-modern_profilePg.png) |---|---|---| **Note:** The [Stylus browser extension](https://add0n.com/stylus.html) and [Stylus preprocessor](https://stylus-lang.com/) are two different things. ### Usage as a Gitea theme, [or use Stylus to apply to any instance](https://userstyles.world/style/529) To install the theme for all Gitea users: 0. Make sure you're on the latest version of Gitea! 1. Download the [`theme-gitea-modern.css` file][theme-file] and add it to your custom folder in `$GITEA_CUSTOM/public/css/` ([learn how to find that directory][doc-dir]). - The path has changed in Gitea 1.15, there the file needs to be placed in `$GITEA_CUSTOM/public/assets/css` - Gitea 1.16 uses the old path at `$GITEA_CUSTOM/public/css/` 2. Adapt your `app.ini` to make it the default theme or be user-selectable: - To change the default theme, change the value of `DEFAULT_THEME` in the [ui section][doc-config] of `app.ini` to `gitea-modern` - To make a theme selectable by users in their profile settings, append `,gitea-modern` to the list of `THEMES` in your `app.ini`. 3. Restart Gitea 4. Enjoy :) ### Contributing To make changes, always base them on [`theme-gitea-modern.styl`](Gitea/theme-gitea-modern.styl), which requires the [Stylus preprocessor](https://stylus-lang.com/). When making contributions, don't use the compiled version for your changes. [theme-file]: Gitea/theme-gitea-modern.css [usertheme-file]: Gitea/theme-gitea-modern.user.css [doc-config]: https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/config-cheat-sheet/#ui-ui [doc-dir]: https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/faq/#where-does-gitea-store-what-file