# identity-web The web app that interacts with the Identiy API and the Asset API. ## Development and local testing 1. Copy the `.env.example` file: `cp .env.example .env` 2. Run `yarn` to install the dependencies. - You may need to [enable Corepack](https://nodejs.org/api/corepack.html). 3. Run `yarn dev` and open the specified URL. 4. You're ready to go! Any changes should be reflected in real time. ## Structure - `./routes` - The pages and associated components. Part of the SvelteKit filesystem routing. Most of the code is here. - `./lib` - Various global elements. - `./lib/api.ts` - The stateless functions that interact with the Identity API and the Asset API. - `./lib/stores.ts` - The global stores, used to store things like tokens and account info. - `./lib/entry.ts` - The definitions for an entry. - **Note:** This file may be moved to a common package in the near future to simplify the server development process. - `./lib/assets` - Images used in the landing page. - `./lib/components` - Components used across various pages.