// You can render this DBML file using specialized software or websites such as: // https://dbdiagram.io/ Table limits { id varchar [primary key] current_asset_count integer [not null] max_asset_count integer [not null] } Table users { id varchar [primary key] created_at timestamp [not null] last_connected_at timestamp [not null] email varchar [not null] password varchar [not null] name varchar [not null] limits varchar [not null] assets varchar [not null, note: 'Comma separated list'] } Table session_keys { key varchar [primary key] user_id varchar [not null] } Table heirs { id varchar [primary key] user_id varchar [not null] created_at timestamp [not null] name varchar [not null] email varchar } Table entries { id varchar [primary key] user_id varchar [not null] created_at timestamp [not null] feelings text [not null, note: 'Comma separated JSON-encoded list'] assets text [not null, note: 'Comma separated list'] title text description text kind varchar [not null, note: 'Kind of entry'] music_entry varchar location_entry varchar date_entry varchar } Table music_entries { id varchar [primary key] artist varchar [not null] title varchar [not null] links text [not null, note: 'Comma separated list'] universal_ids text [not null, note: 'Comma separated JSON-encoded list of Universal IDs'] } Table location_entries { id varchar [primary key] location_text text location_coordinates varchar [note: 'JSON encoded location'] } Table date_entries { id varchar [primary key] referenced_date timestamp } Ref: users.limits > limits.id Ref: heirs.user_id > users.id Ref: entries.user_id > users.id Ref: session_keys.user_id > users.id Ref: entries.music_entry > music_entries.id Ref: entries.location_entry > location_entries.id Ref: entries.date_entry > date_entries.id