/*** Name: Sofia's userChrome.css Author: Sofia Aritz Website: https://sofiaritz.com Repository: https://git.sofiaritz.com/sofia/userChrome Last updated: 18/08/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY) Based on userChrome.org's Proton UI guide with tweaks to the spacing of drop-down menus, sizing of the tabs, and the margins and paddings of the bookmarks. ***/ /*** Tighten up drop-down/context/popup menu spacing (8 Sep 2021) ***/ menupopup:not(.in-menulist) > menuitem, menupopup:not(.in-menulist) > menu { padding-block: 6px !important; /* reduce to 3px, 2px, 1px or 0px as needed */ min-height: unset !important; /* v92.0 - for padding below 4px */ } :root { --arrowpanel-menuitem-padding: 6px 8px !important; } /*** Proton Tabs Tweaks ***/ /* Adjust tab corner shape, optionally remove space below tabs */ #tabbrowser-tabs { --user-tab-rounding: 6px; } .tab-background { border-radius: var(--user-tab-rounding) var(--user-tab-rounding) 0px 0px !important; /* Connected */ margin-block: 3px 0 !important; /* Connected */ } #scrollbutton-up, #scrollbutton-down { /* 6/10/2021 */ border-top-width: 1px !important; border-bottom-width: 0 !important; } /* 1/16/2022 Tone down the Fx96 tab border with add-on themes in certain fallback situations */ .tab-background:is([selected], [multiselected]):-moz-lwtheme { --lwt-tabs-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; border-bottom-color: transparent !important; } [brighttext="true"] .tab-background:is([selected], [multiselected]):-moz-lwtheme { --lwt-tabs-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) !important; border-bottom-color: transparent !important; } /* Container color bar visibility */ .tabbrowser-tab[usercontextid] > .tab-stack > .tab-background > .tab-context-line { margin: 0px max(calc(var(--user-tab-rounding) - 3px), 0px) !important; height: 3px; } /* Override Normal Density height to Compact Density height (plus room for context-line) only for tabs 1/16/2022 */ #TabsToolbar, #tabbrowser-tabs { --tab-min-height: 37px !important; } /* Tweak for covering a line at the bottom of the active tab on some themes 8/11/2021 */ #main-window[sizemode="normal"] #toolbar-menubar[autohide="true"] + #TabsToolbar, #main-window[sizemode="normal"] #toolbar-menubar[autohide="true"] + #TabsToolbar #tabbrowser-tabs { --tab-min-height: 36px !important; } #scrollbutton-up, #scrollbutton-down { border-top-width: 0 !important; border-bottom-width: 0 !important; } /* [Connected Tabs] Set a max height based on min-height plus margin-block: 1px 0 */ #TabsToolbar, #TabsToolbar > hbox, #TabsToolbar-customization-target, #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox { max-height: calc(var(--tab-min-height) + 1px) !important; } /* [Connected Tabs] Make sure tab attention dot isn't too low - 10 Dec 2022 */ .tabbrowser-tab:is([image], [pinned]) > .tab-stack > .tab-content[attention]:not([selected="true"]), .tabbrowser-tab > .tab-stack > .tab-content[pinned][titlechanged]:not([selected="true"]), #firefox-view-button[attention], .webextension-browser-action[attention="true"] { background-position-y: bottom 8px !important; } #TabsToolbar { --user-mute-button-height: 20px; /* default size is 12px, site icon is 16px */ } /* enlarge the move/mute button */ .tab-icon-overlay:not([pinned], [sharing], [crashed]):is([soundplaying], [muted]) { width: var(--user-mute-button-height) !important; height: var(--user-mute-button-height) !important; } /*** Improve toolbar ***/ #personal-toolbar-empty-description, toolbarbutton.bookmark-item:not(.subviewbutton) { margin: 1px 2px !important; padding: 3px; } #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].notSecureText > .identity-box-button, #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].chromeUI > .identity-box-button, #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].extensionPage > .identity-box-button, #urlbar-label-box { margin-left: 2px; }