Improve weblog #2

opened 2023-10-02 19:27:26 +00:00 by sofia · 0 comments

The current weblog has some issues that must be addressed:

  • There isn't a RSS and/or Atom feed.
  • The background image looks weird in long articles.
  • Adding diagrams/images is not as simple, accessible, and response as it should be.
  • Post creation is cumbersome.
    • There should be a plugin/script that simplifies the creation of articles.
  • No OG tags are generated for articles.
The current weblog has some issues that must be addressed: * There isn't a RSS and/or Atom feed. * The background image looks _weird_ in long articles. * Adding diagrams/images is not as simple, accessible, and response as it should be. * Post creation is cumbersome. - There should be a plugin/script that simplifies the creation of articles. * No [OG]( tags are generated for articles.
sofia added the
Need More Info
labels 2023-10-02 19:27:26 +00:00
sofia added the
label 2023-10-02 19:29:40 +00:00
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Reference: sofia/website#2
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