Initial legal docs

This commit is contained in:
Sofía Aritz 2024-01-01 23:19:15 +01:00
parent 2fb1315a66
commit 86eeb72cc0
Signed by: sofia
GPG key ID: 90B5116E3542B28F
6 changed files with 226 additions and 122 deletions

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Creative Commons Legal Code
CC0 1.0 Universal
Statement of Purpose
The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer
exclusive Copyright and Related Rights (defined below) upon the creator
and subsequent owner(s) (each and all, an "owner") of an original work of
authorship and/or a database (each, a "Work").
Certain owners wish to permanently relinquish those rights to a Work for
the purpose of contributing to a commons of creative, cultural and
scientific works ("Commons") that the public can reliably and without fear
of later claims of infringement build upon, modify, incorporate in other
works, reuse and redistribute as freely as possible in any form whatsoever
and for any purposes, including without limitation commercial purposes.
These owners may contribute to the Commons to promote the ideal of a free
culture and the further production of creative, cultural and scientific
works, or to gain reputation or greater distribution for their Work in
part through the use and efforts of others.
For these and/or other purposes and motivations, and without any
expectation of additional consideration or compensation, the person
associating CC0 with a Work (the "Affirmer"), to the extent that he or she
is an owner of Copyright and Related Rights in the Work, voluntarily
elects to apply CC0 to the Work and publicly distribute the Work under its
terms, with knowledge of his or her Copyright and Related Rights in the
Work and the meaning and intended legal effect of CC0 on those rights.
1. Copyright and Related Rights. A Work made available under CC0 may be
protected by copyright and related or neighboring rights ("Copyright and
Related Rights"). Copyright and Related Rights include, but are not
limited to, the following:
i. the right to reproduce, adapt, distribute, perform, display,
communicate, and translate a Work;
ii. moral rights retained by the original author(s) and/or performer(s);
iii. publicity and privacy rights pertaining to a person's image or
likeness depicted in a Work;
iv. rights protecting against unfair competition in regards to a Work,
subject to the limitations in paragraph 4(a), below;
v. rights protecting the extraction, dissemination, use and reuse of data
in a Work;
vi. database rights (such as those arising under Directive 96/9/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal
protection of databases, and under any national implementation
thereof, including any amended or successor version of such
directive); and
vii. other similar, equivalent or corresponding rights throughout the
world based on applicable law or treaty, and any national
implementations thereof.
2. Waiver. To the greatest extent permitted by, but not in contravention
of, applicable law, Affirmer hereby overtly, fully, permanently,
irrevocably and unconditionally waives, abandons, and surrenders all of
Affirmer's Copyright and Related Rights and associated claims and causes
of action, whether now known or unknown (including existing as well as
future claims and causes of action), in the Work (i) in all territories
worldwide, (ii) for the maximum duration provided by applicable law or
treaty (including future time extensions), (iii) in any current or future
medium and for any number of copies, and (iv) for any purpose whatsoever,
including without limitation commercial, advertising or promotional
purposes (the "Waiver"). Affirmer makes the Waiver for the benefit of each
member of the public at large and to the detriment of Affirmer's heirs and
successors, fully intending that such Waiver shall not be subject to
revocation, rescission, cancellation, termination, or any other legal or
equitable action to disrupt the quiet enjoyment of the Work by the public
as contemplated by Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
3. Public License Fallback. Should any part of the Waiver for any reason
be judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, then the
Waiver shall be preserved to the maximum extent permitted taking into
account Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose. In addition, to the
extent the Waiver is so judged Affirmer hereby grants to each affected
person a royalty-free, non transferable, non sublicensable, non exclusive,
irrevocable and unconditional license to exercise Affirmer's Copyright and
Related Rights in the Work (i) in all territories worldwide, (ii) for the
maximum duration provided by applicable law or treaty (including future
time extensions), (iii) in any current or future medium and for any number
of copies, and (iv) for any purpose whatsoever, including without
limitation commercial, advertising or promotional purposes (the
"License"). The License shall be deemed effective as of the date CC0 was
applied by Affirmer to the Work. Should any part of the License for any
reason be judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, such
partial invalidity or ineffectiveness shall not invalidate the remainder
of the License, and in such case Affirmer hereby affirms that he or she
will not (i) exercise any of his or her remaining Copyright and Related
Rights in the Work or (ii) assert any associated claims and causes of
action with respect to the Work, in either case contrary to Affirmer's
express Statement of Purpose.
4. Limitations and Disclaimers.
a. No trademark or patent rights held by Affirmer are waived, abandoned,
surrendered, licensed or otherwise affected by this document.
b. Affirmer offers the Work as-is and makes no representations or
warranties of any kind concerning the Work, express, implied,
statutory or otherwise, including without limitation warranties of
title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non
infringement, or the absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or
the present or absence of errors, whether or not discoverable, all to
the greatest extent permissible under applicable law.
c. Affirmer disclaims responsibility for clearing rights of other persons
that may apply to the Work or any use thereof, including without
limitation any person's Copyright and Related Rights in the Work.
Further, Affirmer disclaims responsibility for obtaining any necessary
consents, permissions or other rights required for any use of the
d. Affirmer understands and acknowledges that Creative Commons is not a
party to this document and has no duty or obligation with respect to
this CC0 or use of the Work.

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# aybInstance
Documentation and issue tracker about the ayb instance hosted by Sofía
Documentation and issue tracker about the ayb instance hosted by Sofía
## Table of contents
* Legal
* [Terms of Service](/legal/
* [Report abuse](/legal/

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# Reporting abuse
ayb doesn't have a built-in reporting system yet, which means that content cannot be reported directly yet.
Before reporting content, we encourage you to check the [Terms of Service](/legal/ before submitting the
## How to report content?
Right now there are two ways to report content:
* Sending an e-mail to [](
* Completing this form: [](
* **Note:** The form is hosted by Google, and its
[Privacy Policy]( also applies.
## What happens after I send a report?
1. The e-mail/response is saved and I am notified about the report.
2. I check the report as soon as possible, this won't take more than 10 days.
3. (If possible) I'll contact you explaining what's the status of the report: closed or investigating.
* I'll justify my decision and I'll be open to re-open the case.
4. I'll investigate the case and I _may_ contact local authorities if required.
5. (If possible) I'll contact you explaining the status of the investigation.
6. When the offending content is removed and local authorities finish their investigation, I'll mark the case as
## When will you contact local authorities?
Local authorities will always be contacted in the following cases:
* Someone may be in danger.
* The report is CSAM-related.
Depending on the report, local authorities may be contacted also in other cases.

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# License
Your content remains yours, which means that you retain intellectual property rights that you have in your
content. Or you may have the right to share someone else's creative content if they've given you their
Because you retain ownership of and responsability for your content, we need you to grant us the right to store,
archive, parse, and display your content, and make incidental copies, as necessary to provide our service.
This license does not grant us the right to sell your content. This license does not grant us the right to
distribute or use your content outside of the provision of our service.
Because you retain ownership of and responsability for your content, we need you to grant each user of our
service a non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, display, and perform your content through our service and
to reproduce your content solely on our service as permitted through our service's functionality
(for example, through forking).

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# Privacy Policy

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# Terms of Service
## What's covered in these terms
These Terms of Service show in a simple manner what is the relationship between you and this ayb instance as you
interact with our service.
## Your relationship with us
These terms help define the relationship between you and our service. Broadly speaking, you are allowed to use
our services as long as you follow these terms.
### What you can expect from us
We develop, improve, and update this service. As part of the evolution of our digital content, services, and
goods, we make modifications such as adding or removing features and functionalities, increasing or decreasing
usage limits, and offering new services or discontinuing old ones. We may also change our digital content or
services for other reasons such as:
* to prevent abuse or harm
* to address legal, regulatory, safety, or security issues
If a modification negatively affects your ability to access our use our digital content or services, or if we
stop offering a service all together, we'll provice you with a reasonable advance notice by e-mail. This
e-mail would contain a description of the changes, when they would take place, and your right to end
your contract with us if our modifications create more than a minor negative impact.
We'll also provide you with an opportunity to export your content from your account unless it has been blocked
or removed in response to prevention of abuse or harm, legal requirements, or security and operability issues.
### What we expect from you
The permission we give you to use our service continues as long as you comply with these terms. We also make
various policies and resources available to you to answer common questions and to set expectations about using
our services. These resources include our [Privacy Policy](/legal/ and our
[Abuse reporting document](/legal/
Altough we give you permission to use our services, we retain any intellectual property rights we have in the
We want to maintain a respectful environment for everyone, which means you must follow these basic rules of
* comply with applicable laws, including export control, sanctions, and human trafficking laws
* respect the rights of others, including pprivacy and intellectual property rights
* don't abuse or harm others or yourself (or threaten or encourage such abuse or harm) — for
example, by misleading, defrauding, illegally impersonating, defaming, bullying, harassing, or stalking others
* don't abuse, harm, interfere with, or disrupt the services — for example, by accessing or
using them in fraudulent or deceptive ways, introducing malware, or spamming, hacking, or bypassing our systems or
protective measures
Our service is designed to let you upload, submit, store, send, receive, and share your content. You have no
obligation to provide any content to our service and you're free to choose the content that you want to provide.
If you choose to upload or share content, please make sure you have the necessary rights to do so and that the
content is lawful.
Our service is designed to let you upload, submit, store, send, receive, and share your content. You have no
obligation to provide any content to our services and you're free to choose the content that you want to
provide. If you choose to upload or share content, please make sure you have the necessary rights to do so and
that the content is lawful.
Your content remains yours, which means that you retain any intellectual property right that you have in your
content. We need your permission if your intellectual property rights restrict our use of your content.
Your provide us with that permission through the license available at
[User-generated Content License](/legal/
## Using our service
### Your account
If you meet the age requirements of your country and you are more than 14 years-old, you can create an
account for your convenience. Somefeatures require that you have an account &emdash; for example, to create a
database, you need an account.
You're responsible for what you do with your account, including taking reasonable steps to keep your account
To provide you with our service, we sometimes send you service announcements and other information. To learn more
about how we communicate with you, see our [Privacy Policy](/legal/
If you choose to give us feedback, such as suggestions to improve our services, we may act on your feedback
without obligation to you.
## Content in the service
### Your content
If you think someone is infringing your intellectual property rights, you can
[send us notice of the infringement](/legal/ and we'll take appropriate action. For example, we suspend
or close the accounts of repeat copyright infringers.
### Other content
Our service gives you access to content that belong to other people. You may not use this content without that
peerson's permission, or as otherwise allowed by law. The views expressed in other people's content are
theirs, and don't necessarily reflect our views.
## Software in our service
Most of the software used in our service is offered under open source license terms that we make
available tto you. Sometimes there are provisions in the open source license that explicitly override part of
these terms, so please be sure to read those licenses.
You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any part of our service or software unless stated otherwise.
## In case of pproblems or disagreements
### Liabilities
These terms only limit our responsabilities as allowed by applicable law. These terms don't limit liability for
fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation, or death or personal injury caused by negligence or willful misconduct.
### Taking action in case of problems
Before taking action as described below, we'll provide you with advance notive when reasonably possible, describe
the reason for our action,a nd give you an opportunity to fix the problem, unless we reasonably believe that
doing so would:
* cause harm or liability to a user, third party, or us
* violate the law or a legal enforcement authority's order
* compromise an investigation
* compromise the operation, integrity, or security of our services
### Removing your content
If we reasonably believe that any of your content breaches these terms, violates the applicable law, or could harm
our users, third parties, or us, then we reserve the right to taked down some or all of that content in accordance
with applicable law. Examples include child pornography, content that facilitates human trafficking or harassment,
terrorist content, and content that infringes someone else's intellectual property rights.
### Suspending or terminating your acess to the service
We reserve our right to suspend or terminate your access to the servicec or delete your account if any of these
things happen:
* you materially or repeteadly breach these terms
* we're required to do so to comply with a legal requirement or a court order
* we reasonably believe that your conduct causes harm or liability to a user, third party, or us
You're always free to stop using our services at any time. If you believe your account has been suspended or
terminated in error, [you can apppeal](
### Handling requests for your data
When we receive data disclosure requests, our team reviews them and makes sure that they satisfy legal
requirements. We access and disclose data, including communications, in accordance with the laws of Spain and
France, and EU law applicable in Spain and France respectively.
## About these terms
By law, you have certain rights that can't be limited by a contract like these terms of service. These terms are
in no way intended to restrict those rights.
If it turns out that a particular term is not valid or enforceable, this will not affect any other terms.
We may update these terms to:
* reflect changes in our services or how we do business
* for legal, regulatory, or security reasons, or
* to prevent abuse or harm
If we materially change these terms, we'll provide you with reasonable advance notice and the opportunity to
review the changes, except:
* when we launch a new service or feature, or
* in urgent situations such as preventing ongoing abuse or responding to legal requirements.
If you don't agree to the new terms, you should remove your content and stop using the services. You can also end
your relationship with us at any time by closing your account.