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## Hi! I'm Sofía
I'm a random girl that enjoys programming and has some interesting projects :)
### Projects ([Repositories](https://git.sofiaritz.com/sofia?tab=repositories))
* [GFonts Project](https://git.sofiaritz.com/GFonts) is a project whose purpose is to provide a simple yet complete alternative to Google Fonts.
* [Markdown CV](https://git.sofiaritz.com/sofia/markdown-cv) and [MD Editor](https://git.sofiaritz.com/sofia/md-editor) are project that allow you to create beautiful yet working documents (CVs and general purpose) using Markdown.
* [Simple Analytics](https://git.sofiaritz.com/sofia/simple-analytics) is a Rust program that provides a simple way to receive analytics data from your applications.
* [Eleventy base](https://git.sofiaritz.com/sofia/eleventy-base) is a template for creating [11ty](https://www.11ty.dev/docs/) websites.
### Contact
* You can find me on the Fediverse! ([@sofiaritz@hachyderm.io](https://hachyderm.io/@sofiaritz) or @me@sofiaritz.com)
* You can also send me an e-mail ([sofi@sofiaritz.com](mailto:sofi@sofiaritz.com)) or a Matrix DM ([@sofiaritz:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@sofiaritz:matrix.org))
* More information available on [my website](https://sofiaritz.com/contact/) :)